Posts Tagged with ‘France’
French Impressions: Bilguissa Diallo’s literary process as a second-generation immigrant living in Paris
16 Apr 2013(French) I am French and I write in French, in France, about people who are French, in France. For me,…
Perfume: discovering the perfect luxury experience
16 Apr 2013By Andrea Johnson My first job, not working for my parents, was as a fragrance sales associate at Younkers, an…
Impressions Françaises : John Baxter – Le repas parfait et le découvert des goûts passé en France
16 Apr 2013(English) John Baxter est un écrivain célèbre, un critique du film, et un biographe. Il est auteur des mémoires La…
French Impressions: John Baxter’s “The Perfect Meal” and Finding the Foregone Flavors of France
16 Apr 2013(French) John Baxter is an acclaimed memoirist, film critic, and biographer. He is author of the memoirs The Most Beautiful…
Impressions Françaises : Zélia, le coutourier français, et sa passion de la mode et de la romance
16 Apr 2013(English) Zélia, courtière française et entrepreneuse, est née en Picardie, au nord de la France, où elle avait passée sa…
Children fashionistas: Why French children dress better than you do.
31 Jan 2013By Alyssa Glawe As a jeune fille au pair, I am asked to help in many ways around the home;…
Un dimanche enneigé
29 Jan 2013Par Bénédicte Mahé (English) La neige a toujours quelque chose de magique. Mais la neige à Paris est encore plus…
The hush of snow on a wintry Paris street
29 Jan 2013By Bénédicte Mahé (French) Snow has always been something magical. But snow in Paris is even more special because it…
La lingerie française : mystérieuse et aguichante
26 Jan 2013(English) On dit que Catherine Deneuve fait son shopping à Sabbia Rosa. Cette année-là, j’avais décidé de fêter mon anniversaire…
French legend proved true with discovery of blood of King Louis XVI in gourd
21 Jan 2013By Andrea Johnson (French) In 18th century France, King Louis XVI and his posse of French nobles were creating quite…